Specialization Trademarks
Languages Estonian, English, Russian, Finnish
Contact E-mail: villu@aaa.ee |
Villu Pavelts
PARTNER / TRADEMARK ATTORNEY Status European Union trademark and design attorney Estonian patent attorney (trademarks, designs, geographical indications) Estonian patent attorney (inventions and layout designs of integrated circuits)
Professional experience 2019- AAA Legal Services, partner, trademark and patent attorney 1992-2019 Lasvet Patent and Trademark Agency, trademark and patent attorney 1980-1992 AS Kalev, patent attorney
Education 1980 Moscow Patent Institute 1978 Tallinn University of Technology, mechanics engineer, higher education (equalized to master’s degree)
Membership Chamber of Estonian Patent Attorneys, member of the revision committee ECTA, member of the Professional Affairs Committee INTA (International Trademark Association)
Interests Music, sport, theatre, travelling