Intellectual property provides exclusive rights to its owner. However, If these rights are violated, the owner must act. Although government institutions can help in protection of intellectual property rights in certain cases, this protection mostly depends on the initiative of the right-holder. Legal disputes are one of our strongest areas of expertise. Our long-term work in the field of intellectual property protection has provided us with extensive experience. We represent our clients in extrajudicial negotiations, disputes with patent offices, before the Board of Appeal, and in courts.
We advise our clients on issues concerning the infringement of their exclusive rights and assist to remove respective goods from the market or to terminate rendering such services. As we have vast experience in disputes over intellectual property in Estonian courts, including Supreme Court, we can estimate any costs, risks and prospects relating to such disputes. This enables us to counsel our clients efficiently and avoid any unnecessary litigation.
Mikas Miniotas:
Ingrid Matsina:
Linnar Puusepp: